Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Exploring the international Business environment Essay

Exploring the international Business environment - Essay Example Scenario planning was first implemented in military intelligence and military strategy studies. Scenario planning involves identifying trends and analyzing their predicted ramifications. Scenario planning helps organizations in implementing strategic investment, regulating hiring strategies and conducting capital planning. Organizations are able to execute scenario-based approaches to planning thereby developing credible solutions to potential challenges (Friedman, 2014). Scenario planning also helps firms to assess potential outcomes before implementation. Scenario planning is also beneficial in categorizing plans according to their short-term or long term feasibility. The paper will examine the demographic and religious forecast of Tajikistan until the year 2030 and the implications on Asian Development Bank’s strategic plan for Central and West Asian developing member countries. The Republic of Tajikistan is an autonomous country located in Central Asia. The country’s administrative, legislative and financial capital is Dushanbe. The country is bordered by Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, and China. Up until September 1991 when the country gained independence, Tajikistan was part of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. At 143,100 square kilometres, the country is the smallest nation in Central Asia (CIA, 2015). Tajikistan is landlocked and very mountainous. The country is divided into four provinces: one capital province, one autonomous province and two other provinces. The head of state is the president while the government is led by a prime minister. The Tajikistani legislature comprises of a national assembly and an assembly of representatives. The judiciary implements a civil law system (CIA, 2015). Tajikistan is classified as the poorest country in Central Asia and among former Soviet states. The country’s slow economic growth is attributed to the high levels of corruption, poor governance, political unrest, economic

Monday, October 28, 2019

Standard Deviation use in the Business World Essay Example for Free

Standard Deviation use in the Business World Essay Abstract This paper evaluates the role of standard deviation in business. As part of the evaluation, a brief summary of five different peer reviewed papers has been presented. Topics such as, the purpose of the study, the research questions, the hypothesis of the study, and the main findings of the study for the five papers, have been summarized by each of the learning team members. Standard Deviation use in the Business World Standard Deviation is a statistical measurement that shows how data are spread above and below the mean. The square root of the variance is the standard deviation (Cleaves, Hobbs, Noble, 2012). It plays a key role in business management, with one of its benefits being that it simplifies the determination of variability in a given symmetrical data set. In this paper, the role of Standard Deviation in business has been presented by means of summarizing five peer-reviewed papers. Summary of Paper 1 In order to understand the role of standard deviation in business world, the first paper reviewed is on the topic ‘Risk: An uncommon deviation’, by Scott, D (2006). Standard deviation has a critical role to play in evaluating the risks involved in the field of business investments. Below is the summary of the findings from the paper: Purpose of the Study The paper focused on understanding the role of using standard deviation in estimating the risks involved in investments. According to Scott (2006), historically few, if any, real world investors naturally think in terms of standard deviations when they think about risk. The traditional risk models did not take into account standard deviation. In this paper, the author has evaluated the impact of using standard deviation in enhancing risk management strategies. Research Questions The key questions discussed within this paper are 1. Does use of standard deviation help in estimating all possible outcomes involved in business investments? 2. Does use of standard deviation help in mitigating risks? Hypothesis The hypothesis used in the paper is that the risk in the real world includes a set of situations and outcomes that no model can ever capture and no statistic can ever express. However, the usage of standard deviation can possibly help in building a more predictable risk management strategy. Findings of the study Below are the findings of the study 1. Standard deviation can help in predicting many of the possible risks, but there will always be rogue risks, which are very hard to predict. Risk that can be modeled mathematically is only part of the risk. However, standard deviation can help in greatly enhancing the traditional risk evaluation models, since most of the times the performance outcomes stay within the realms of a normal distribution (Scott, 2006). 2. It is essential to diversity the risk management techniques used. According to Scott (2006), it is essential to pay attention to correlation coefficients, covariance matrices and other statistical analyses by all means, but also assess the actual financial exposure to any one issuer, economic happening or institutional structure. 3. Challenge those whose professional training encourages them to equate risk and standard deviation (Scott, 2006). Summary of Paper 2 The second paper chosen is titled â€Å"Implied Standard Deviations and Post-earnings Announcement Volatility† by Acker, D (2002). Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to investigate if there is increase in volatility of stock prices following annual earnings announcements. The study is using implied standard deviations (ISDs), which are derived from option prices to establish the day-by-day changes in volatility within the announcement period. The focus is primarily on the timing of the volatility increase, rather than on the level of increase. Research Questions 1. Can the timing of market volatility due to reaction to bad news or good news, be predicted using the ISD? 2. Is there difference in the timing of reaction between, good news, easy to interpret news vs bad news, or difficult to interpret news? 3. Is the delayed reaction to bad news a manifestation of their lower degree of earnings persistence? Hypothesis The hypothesis is that good news announcements are associated with positive returns and bad news is associated with negative returns. Announcements of bad news have generally been established to have lower earnings response coefficients. The conditions of changing volatility, the ISD of an at-the-money option can be interpreted as an estimate of the expected standard deviation of the return over the life of that option, and can therefore be used to analyze the pattern of volatility, which the market expects to occur around an announcement. Announcements of earnings per share (eps) figures with a high transitory component, whose implications for the future are more difficult to assess, should be associated with a delayed volatility reaction. Findings of the study 1. If the day of the of the anticipated volatility increase is known, then by measuring the ISD at two points before that day, the `basic volatility and the amount increase can be deduced. 2. The ISDs tend to rise before the announcement date and fall after it. The day 10 ISDs suggest that volatility rises again roughly two weeks after the announcement. 3. Announcing bad news and announcing news that is difficult to interpret both have an incremental effect on delaying the volatility reaction, but the effect of bad news appeared to be dominant. 4. Companies reporting bad news deliberately convey less precise information, thereby extending the period required by the markets to analyze its implications. 5. When there is no news, ISD and hence volatility did not appear to change significantly around the announcement. Summary of Paper 3 The third paper chosen is titled â€Å"Forecasting the pulse: How deviations from  regular patterns in online data can identify offline phenomena† by Andreas and Pascal (2013). Purpose of the Study With steady increase of data availability of human behavior collected through online social services, there is a big potential for data scientist to leverage standard deviation as the tool to conduct real time detection and analytic studies of extraordinary offline phenomena. Such detection helps build foundational marketing opportunities for social commerce. Research Questions 1. Does communication environment (i.e. facebook, twitter, has its normal state of user behavior? 2. Is there seasonal trend in the patter? How big are the variations? 3. What is the dynamic empirical state base on the historical data pattern? Do large deviations detected between system states versus empirical state work as indicators of user’s offline phenomenon? Hypothesis Large deviations between the states of the social platform as forecasted by the empirical model can be used as indicators of extraordinary events, which led users to deviate from their regular usage patterns. Findings Studies launched on Twitter base on historical usage in 2011 – 2012 concludes that each social platform has its own variable of usage pattern that is specific to individual user. The normal state of communication environment can be measure by specific variables in the data documenting the user behavior online. After removing the seasonal trends, statistic model can determine the large deviations between the state of the system as forecasted and the empirical state. These large deviations are later validated as truly extraordinary events that led the users to deviate from the normal usage patterns (Andreas Pascal, 2013). These variations act as predictors for the social companies to proactively launch market campaign to target audiences. Summary of Paper 4 The fourth paper chosen is titled â€Å"Standard deviation of anthropometric Z-scores as a data quality assessment tool using the 2006 WHO growth standards: a cross-country analysis†, by Mei, Z., Grummer-Strawn, L.  (2007). Purpose of the Study Worldwide nutritional status of population can be measured using height and weight anthropometric indicators. In 1978, World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that the Standard Deviation of the Z scores of these indicators remains relatively constant across population, irrespective of nutritional status. In 2006, WHO published new growth standards and purpose of study is to find whether above standards can still be used to access data quality. Research Questions 1. Are previous measures of Z scores calculation still applicable to measure worldwide nutritional status of population? 2. Can nutritional status, especially in children, from both developed and developing countries, be used as international references? 3. Will Z-score rages still apply to data collected after the application of 2006 WHO growth standards? Hypothesis Since the Z-Score scale is linear, summery statistics i.e. mean, Standard Deviation, and standard errors caused through delta of application can be computed from Z-Score values. Z-Score summery statistics is also helpful for grouping growth data, irrespective of age, sex and nationality. The summary statistics obtained for current application model can be compared with earlier references. Findings Available Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) represent nationally and contains large sample sizes. As these surveys are supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID), they can be used authentically and contain wide range of monitoring and impact evaluation indicators. As per 51 DHS surveys obtained, 32 were from 23 African countries, four from three Asian countries and 15 from eight Latin American countries. The Z scores were obtained for height for age, weight for age, and weight for height and body mass index for age. For all these four indicators, Z-score in Latin American countries were higher than in African and Asian countries, even though the Standard Deviation for all the three indicators were relatively stable and did not vary much with the Z-Score means. References Acker, D. (2002). Implied Standard Deviations and Post-earnings Announcement Volatility. Journal Of Business Finance Accounting, 29(3/4), 429. Andreas, J., Pascal, J. (2013). Forecasting the pulse: How deviations from regular patterns in online data can identify offline phenomena. Internet Research, 23(5), 589 607. doi: Cleaves, C., Hobbs, M., Noble, J. (2012). Business Math (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Retrieved from VitalBook file. Scott, D. (2006). Risk: an uncommon deviation. JASSA, n.a.(2), 30. Retrieved from Mei, Z., Grummer-Strawn, L. (2007). Standard deviation of anthropometric Z-scores as a data quality assessment tool using the 2006 WHO growth standards: A cross country analysis. World Health Organization.Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 85(6), 441-8. Retrieved from 7?accountid=458

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Kate Chopins The Awakening Essay -- Kate Chopin Awakening Essays Pape

Kate Chopin's The Awakening In Kate Chopin's novel The Awakening, written approximately one hundred years ago, the protagonist Edna Pontellier's fate is resolved when she 'deliberately swims out to her death in the gulf'(Public Opinion, np). Her own suicide is indeed considered as a small, almost nonexistent victory by many, nevertheless there are those who consider her death anything but insignificant. Taking into consideration that 'her inability to articulate her feelings and analyze her situation [unattainable happiness] results in her act of suicide...'(Muirhead, np) portrays Edna as being incapable of achieving a release from her restricted womanhood as imposed by society. Others state that the final scene of the novel entirely symbolizes and realizes Edna's victory on a 'society that sees their [women's] primary value in their biological functions as wives and mothers?(Kate Chopin, np). In short, The Awakening is the tragic story of a woman who in a summer of her twenty-eighth year, found herself and struggled to do what she wanted to do; be happy. Although ?from wanting to, she did, with disastrous consequences?(Recent Novels 96). For those who wanted it to be a truly, and ironically, life achieving instead of life ending end, it was. But those who disagreed with Chopin?s choice ending found themselves losing some sleep over another magnificent author gone wrong (96). Various readers and reviewers alike found the ending to be sold short and unsatisfactory since it did not deliver the promise of a rewarding happy life to the protagonist who so valiantly endured her obstacles throughout the novel. Had she lived by Prof. William James? advice to do one thing a day one does not want to do [in Creole Society, two would perhaps be better], flirted less and looked after her children more, or even assisted at more accouchements- her chef d?auvre in self denial- we need not have been put to the unpleasantness of reading about her and the temptations she trumped up for herself. (96) Irony plays an inexplicable and majestic part in the conclusion of The Awakening. One can say with confidence that in a story a protagonist, or heroin in this case, is expected to fulfill a happily ever after ending not only from a repetitious guarantee but from the incisive determination by such character, whom through hardships, earned it. Edna Pontellier... ...ine. Galenet. 4 April 2001. Available FTP: Muirhead, Marion. ?Articulation And Artistry: A Conversational Analysis of The Awakening.? The Southern Literary Journal 33.1 (2000): n. pag. Online. Internet. 4 April 2001. Available FTP: ?Kate Chopin.? Gale Group (1999): n. pag. Online. Galenet. 4 April 2001. Available FTP: ?Recent Novels: The Awakening.? The Nation Vol. LXIX, No. 1779 (3 Aug. 1899): 96 pp. Online. Galenet. 4 April 2001. Available FTP: Bogard, Carley R. ?The Awakening: A Refusal To Compromise.? The University of Michigan Papers in Women?s Studies U Vol. II, No. 3 (1977): pp. 15-31. Online. Galenet. 4 April 2001. Available FTP: Eichelberger, Clayton L. ?The Awakening: Overview.? Reference Guide to American Literature 3rd ed. (1994): n. pag. Online. Galenet. 4 April 2001. Available FTP: Eble, Kenneth. ?A Forgotten Novel: Kate Chopin?s The Awakening.? Western Humanities Review No. 3 (1956):pp. 261-69. Online. Galenet. 4 April 2001. Available FTP:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

a farewell to arms Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"A writer’s job is to tell the truth† – Ernest Hemingway. This quote means that it is a writer’s job to convey some sort of truth or accuracy to the reader. I agree. This is shown in the novel, A Farewell to Arms, by Ernest Hemingway through the setting and characterization in the novel. It is also shown in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee through the themes and setting of the novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the war novel, A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway demonstrates that it is a writer’s job to convey some sort of truth to the reader through the setting of the novel. This novel takes place during a time of war and shows what war is like, realistically. For a war novel, there is not a lot of fighting but instead more of getting from one place to another and the situations that occur in the interim. This portrays a truth to the reader because it shows how war is in reality and that it is not all death and destruction. Hemingway expresses the emotions of the characters accurately for time of war and conditions or situations the characters are put into. The author shows us the characters interact with each other and how they deal with the war surrounding them. For example, in Book III of the novel, the priest says that people that summer finally realized the war and that people were gentler because they had been beaten. This, truthfully, shows how war affe cts people and their emotions because it shows how they are disappointed. Through the setting of...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Throwing the Perfect Party

Brittney Liston Professor Thomas English Comp. I September 26, 2011 Throwing the Perfect Party Throwing the perfect party requires a lot of planning because the party planner’s reputation will be put in the spotlight. Rather it being a party that goes well or if it’s a total disaster. Hosting a party can be stressful if the proper amount of time is not used wisely in planning the party. Lots of people have failed and very few have succeeded in creating the perfect party depending on the time used in planning the party. The ones that failed usually were because they had poor planning skills. There are many steps that need to be followed in order to throw the perfect party. First off, take time to plan things out. Check dates out to make sure that party is not planned on top of another event that might be going on. A decision on location also needs to be made at this time. Now since they have a location and a date set a guest list can be started. Verify that all contact information for guest is good. The second step would be deciding a theme for the party. A month before the party is ideal for knowing the theme so that purchasing favors, decorations can be done and that everyone is properly dressed for the event. Wait around three weeks before the party to send out invitations. A reserve by date is good so that an accurate count can be made so that food and entertainment can be planned. The menu can be decided at this time. The menu will depend on the type of party being thrown. Finger foods and soft drinks are good for simple parties, while a full dinner maybe needed for a formal party. Activities should be decided at this time. If a band will be attending verify weekly with the band so that they are sure of their attendance. If planning to use personal media prepare what songs will be used and set those aside. Around a week before the party send out reminders to guest so that attendance will be assured. Calling the guest that has not responding is also a good idea in case they might have not received the invitation. Two days before the party get a final count of the guests attending so that the proper amount of things will be available at the party. Remember to take all food out of freezer that needs time to thaw out. Make sure that plenty of batteries and film are available so that all the special moments are captured by camera. If the party is to be held in a personal home be sure that all organizing and cleaning is done at this time so that it is ready for the party. The day before the party should be used to prepare most of the food that can be prepared early. If the party location is available use this time to do all indoor decorating so that it will be ready for the party. The day of the party is finally here. All of the early preparations have paid off to make this day a perfect day. Now is the time to put outdoor decorations out. All of the food that was not prepared prior should now get prepared and available to use. The guests are all arriving and all that is left to do is to enjoy to perfect party that you have made possible through proper planning. Now since the day of the party is finally here, do all of the last minute adjustments to the decorations. Make sure all the placements are out and ready, and that the music selection is in order.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of the Series in Grammar

Definition and Examples of the Series in Grammar Definition In English grammar, a  series is a  list of three or more items (words,  phrases, or  clauses),  usually arranged in parallel form. Also known as a list or catalog. The items in a series are usually separated by commas (or semicolons if the items themselves contain commas). See Serial Commas. In rhetoric, a series of three parallel items is called a tricolon. A series of four parallel items is a tetracolon (climax). See Examples and Observations below. Also see: Writing With Descriptive ListsAsyndeton and PolysyndetonAuxesisBill Brysons ListsClimactic OrderCoordinate Adjectives  and  Cumulative AdjectivesDiazeugmaHypozeuxisEdward Abbeys List of ExamplesEnd-Focus and End-WeightEnumeratioListicleNikki Giovannis ListsParallelismSystrophe EtymologyFrom the Latin, to join   Examples and Observations With their repetitions, their strong rhythmic qualities- lists are often the most musical section of a piece of prose, as though the writer suddenly broke into song.(Susan Neville, Stuff: Some Random Thoughts on Lists. AWP Feb. 1998)Twitter has become a playground for imbeciles, skeevy marketers, D-list celebrity half-wits, and pathetic attention seekers: Shaquille ONeal, Kim Kardashian, Ryan Seacrest.(Daniel Lyons, Dont Tweet on Me. Newsweek, Sep. 28, 2009)Tea is the steady companion of the Scottish day, and each hotel, no matter how humble, stocks its rooms with supplies for brew-ups: electric pot for boiling water, ceramic pot for brewing, china cups and small tea creamers, a raft of teas, honey, fresh milk, and lemons.(Emily Hiestand, Afternoon Tea,  The Georgia Review, Summer 1992)Donkey: I dont get it, Shrek. Why didnt you just pull some of that ogre stuff on him? You know, throttle him, lay siege to his fortress, grind his bones to make your bread? You know, the whole ogre t rip.Shrek: Oh, I know. Maybe I could have decapitated an entire village, put their heads on a pike, gotten a knife, cut open their spleens and drunk their fluids. Does that sound good to you?Donkey: Uh, no, not really, no.(Shrek, 2001) Daisy said some cruel and heartless things about me, my personality, my looks, my clothes, my parents, my friends, the way I eat, sleep, drink, walk, laugh, snore, tap my teeth, crack my fingers, belch, fart, wipe my glasses, dance, wear my jeans up around my armpits, put HP sauce on my toast, refuse to watch The X Factor and Big Brother, drive . . . The litany went on and on and was interspersed with tears and sobs.(Sue Townsend,  Adrian Mole: The Prostrate Years. Penguin, 2010)Go on vacation with your siblings; you will be back in the treehouse of code words and competitions and all the rough rivalries of those we love but do not choose as family. I am more likely to read trashy books, eat sloppy food, go barefoot, listen to the Allman Brothers, nap and generally act like Im 16 than Id ever be in the dark days of February. Return to a childhood haunt, the campground, the carnival, and let the season serve as a measuring stick, like notches on the kitchen doorway: the last time yo u walked this path, swam this lake, you were in love for the first time or picking a major or looking for work and wondering what comes next.(Nancy Gibbs, To the Time Machine! Time, July 11, 2011) The fictional model for the country gentry is the hard-riding, heavy-drinking, red-faced, Hanoverian-damning, Pox!-exclaiming, no-nonsense Squire Western in Fieldings Tom Jones.(Jeremy Paxman, The English: A Portrait of a People. Overlook, 2000)Throughout [the movie] Sinister, the rooms remain darker than crypts, whether at breakfast or dinnertime, and the sound design causes everything in the house to moan and groan in consort with the heros worrisome quest. I still cant decide what creaks the most: the floors, the doors, the walls, the dialogue, the acting, or the fatal boughs outside.(Anthony Lane, Film Within a Film. The New Yorker, October 15, 2012)Knowing already of the towns carefully nurtured reputation for gentility, I moved [to Bournemouth] in 1977 with the idea that this was going to be a kind of English answer to Bad Ems or Baden-Baden- manicured parks, palm courts with orchestras, swank hotels where men in white gloves kept the brass gleaming, bosomy elderly ladies in mi nk coats walking those little dogs you ache to kick (not out of cruelty, you understand, but from a simple, honest desire to see how far you can make them fly).(Bill Bryson, Notes From a Small Island. Doubleday, 1995) Most of the public lands in the West, and especially in the Southwest, are what you might call cowburnt. Almost anywhere and everywhere you go in the American West you find hordes of these ugly, clumsy, stupid, bawling, stinking, fly-covered, shit-smeared, disease-spreading brutes. They are a pest and a plague. They pollute our springs and streams and rivers. They infest our canyons, valleys, meadows, and forests. They graze off the native bluestem and grama and bunchgrasses, leaving behind jungles of prickly pear. They trample down the native forbs and shrubs and cacti. They spread the exotic cheatgrass, the Russian thistle, and the crested wheat grass.(Edward Abbey, Even the Bad Guys Wear White Hats. Harpers Magazine, January 1986)I am no more lonely than a single mullein or dandelion in a pasture, or a bean leaf, or a sorrel, or a horse-fly, or a humble-bee. I am no more lonely than the Mill Brook, or a weathercock, or the northstar, or the south wind, or an April shower, or a Jan uary thaw, or the first spider in a new house.(Henry David Thoreau, Walden, 1854) Oh, look, she said. She was a confirmed Oh-looker. I had noticed this at Cannes, where she had drawn my attention in this manner on various occasions to such diverse objects as a French actress, a Provenà §al filling station, the sunset over the Estorels, Michael Arlen, a man selling coloured spectacles, the deep velvet blue of the Mediterranean, and the late mayor of New York in a striped one-piece bathing suit.(P.G. Wodehouse, Right Ho, Jeeves, 1934)Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans- born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, mee t any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty.(President John Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961) The sandwiches were stuffed with alfalfa sprouts and grated cheese, impaled with toothpicks with red, blue, and green cellophane ribbons on them, and there were two large, perfect, crunchy garlic pickles on the side. And a couple of cartons of strawberry Yoplait, two tubs of fruit salad with fresh whipped cream and little wooden spoons, and two large cardboard cups of aromatic, steaming, fresh black coffee.(Thom Jones, Cold Snap, 1995)While politely discussing with him my fathers sudden journey to town, I registered simultaneously and with equal clarity not only his wilting flowers, his flowing tie and the blackheads on the fleshy volutes of his nostrils, but also the dull little voice of a cuckoo coming from afar, and the flash of a Queen of Spain settling on the road, and the remembered impression of the pictures (enlarged agricultural pests and bearded Russian writers) in the well-aerated classrooms of the village school which I had once or twice visited; andto continue a tabulati on that hardly does justice to the ethereal simplicity of the whole process- the throb of some utterly irrelevant recollection (a pedometer I had lost) was released from a neighboring brain cell, and the savor of the grass stalk I was chewing mingled with the cuckoos note and the fritillarys takeoff, and all the while I was richly, serenely aware of my own manifold awareness.(Vladimir Nabokov, Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited. Random House, 1966) The one with the assortment of smiles, the oneJailed in himself like a forest, the one who comesBack at evening drunk with despair and turnsInto the wrong night as though he owned it- oh smallDeaf disappearance in the dusk, in which of their shoesWill I find myself tomorrow?(W.S. Merwin, Sire. The Second Four Books of Poems. Copper Canyon Press, 1993)The Length of a SeriesAlthough the four-part series is indicative of a human, emotional, subjective, involved attitude, each additional lengthening of the series increases and magnifies this attitude, and begins to add an element of humor, even absurdity. [William] Hazlitt, writing about human beings, the Public, his own kind, [above] uses the long series to indicate great involvement, great feeling, and a certain sense of humor about it all. The Public is mean, but so ornery that we almost have to laugh.(Winston Weathers and Otis Winchester, The New Strategy of Style. McGraw-Hill, 1978)Usage Tips: Arranging and Concluding a Series- In a n unenumerated series, place the longest element last.(James Kilpatrick)- Do not use etc. at the end of a list or series introduced by the phrase such as or for examplethose phrases already indicate items of the same category that are not named.(G. J. Alred et al., The Business Writers Handbook. Macmillan, 2003) Pronunciation: SEER-eez

Monday, October 21, 2019

History of Western Philosophy †Research Paper

History of Western Philosophy – Research Paper Free Online Research Papers History of Western Philosophy Research Paper Do you think that Descartes has satisfactorily solved the problem of mind-body dualism? The Cartesian Dualism has come across three main problems, first, whether Descartes had successfully proven the existence of the non-material thinking soul, second, whether the soul (thought) can interact with our body (extension), regardless of the truthfulness of dualism, third, and the mental-or-physical dilemma. However, we cannot find any satisfactory and adequate answer of those problems in Descartes’ dualistic philosophy 1. Descartes’ Mind-body Dualism In Cottingham J, â€Å"Cartesian man†, the author began discussing Descartes’ arguments with the comparison between animals, men and machines. Descartes held that there would still be differences even the machines are made â€Å"bore a resemblance to our bodies, and imitated our actions as closely as possible for all practical purposes (p.109).† For machines cannot â€Å"produce different arrangements of words so as to give an appropriately meaningful answer to whatever is said in its presence† and they cannot â€Å"act through understanding but only from the disposition of their organs (p.109).† That is to say, the difference is that every action or utterance of a machine is limited by environmental conditions; whereas a human can deal with everything in their life freely and creatively because he can â€Å"instantaneously interpret an indefinitely large of utterances [situation] (p.110).† Human being has a unique competence for language, which is distinguished from â€Å"utterances of animals† (p.110). Descartes claimed that â€Å"utterances of animals† are not regarded as genuine language in that their utterances are just expressions of their passion, such as hope of eating, fear and joy etc. One may ask why would human being possess such a peculiar ability that even the most sophisticated machine and a magpie (a bird can imitate people talk) would not have. To ask this question, for Descartes, is simply to ask what kind of substance that we human being exclusively own. And he would say it is our rational soul (anima rationalis) contributes to our thinking which allow us to cope with â€Å"the indefinitely diverse contingencies of life† (p.109) and be a â€Å"genuine language user† (p.109). Extension, for Descartes, is an underlying substance that contains different attributions an object has, namely weight, colour, hardness, temperature†¦and the like. Dualists maintain that a human is constituted not only of a bodily substance, but also of a thinking substance (that we have mentioned in above paragraphs). Descartes thought that the latter, which produce a thinking mind for human, should not be derived from extension. It is simply a non-material substance –that has no extension- â€Å"specially created† (p.111) and implanted in each of us by God. Nonetheless, is such a difference adequate for us to ascribe our â€Å"thinking feature† (the function of mind is to think) to a non-physical thinking soul? As we know for Descartes the words â€Å"mind† and â€Å"soul† are of no difference at all. Materialist may argue that the brain alone can produce rational thinking of human. Now let us go over the arguments offered by Descartes attempting to prove the existence of rational soul and examine their successfulness. 2. The Argument from Doubt To reach the â€Å"non-materiality of the mind† (p.112) Descartes had applied his â€Å"method of doubt† which is to find out â€Å"what cannot be doubted†. Descartes examined his own existence by doubting (imagining the disappearance of) the existence of his own body and the world he was in, until he found himself unable to doubt he was thinking (his mind existed), which assured his existence. Since one could doubt all material things, Descartes believed there were non-material substances distinct from the body giving rise to our thought. A Descartes’ critic Antoinc Arnauld reckoned that although one can imagine himself without a body, body is â€Å"indeed an essential part of him† (p.112), without which one could not even exist. Such a refutation seems to have presupposed a materialistic view, that human’s existence relies on physical substance; and it fails to falsify Cartesian’s argument because Descartes could resist by restating his mind-body dualism, saying the mind could exist alone even though the body is eliminated and immortality is a feature of soul. However, Descartes himself finally admitted that the argument could not sufficiently and deductively prove the immateriality of soul as the soul could be derived from â€Å"our undoubted existence†. 3. The Argument from Clear and Distinct Perception Descartes stated that if one could â€Å"clearly and distinctly understand† one thing apart from another, it was enough to assure him that they were two distinct things owing to their capability of being separated. Therefore, having a clear and distinct idea of myself, to the extent that â€Å"I† am simply a thinking, non-extended thing; is separated from having a distinct idea of body, in so far as this is simply and extended, non-thinking thing. In accordance with such distinction, â€Å"it is certain I am really distinct from my body and can exist without it (p.113).† Then he said that the mind and the body were complete ideas that he could conceive them alone respectively. What he wanted to point out was that if one knew that the mind (a complete idea) could exist without the body (another complete idea), then one could know that the body is no part of the mind’s essence (p.114). The problem here is that even one can clearly and distinctly discern thinking from body; it does not follow that the one who thinks must be non-corporeal. That is to say, although we can directly aware of our thinking, we cannot directly aware of â€Å"what (who) does the thinking† (p.115), which can be corporeal. 4. The Divisibility Argument This argument intended to prove that the mind and the body were two entirely different substances (non-material and material, as mentioned) by saying that mind was indivisible in nature but body was divisible. Moreover, Descartes held that if there was bodily division (e.g. cutting off a hand from a body), â€Å"nothing had thereby been taken away from the mind† (p.116). What he meant â€Å"nothing† here was simply what he called â€Å"pure thought† (to doubt, to understand, to affirm, to deny, to be willing and to be unwilling, p.122), which can â€Å"occur without physiological events taking place in the brain or anywhere else† (p.116). Critic of Descartes suggested that â€Å"our desires and our reason could pull us in opposite directions† (p.118) and such â€Å"directions† would make our consciousness not simple and indivisible. Dualist could reply that even if there were opposite directions occurring in a consciousness, that â€Å"thinking I† could just make one decision, so the mind could retain its unitariness. Again, the problem of the argument is that we cannot infer a non-corporeal soul from knowing that our consciousness is indivisible, as â€Å"what does the thinking† may still be physical. Hitherto we have not found the arguments above sufficient and satisfactory to prove the immateriality of soul. Now it is time we discovered the problems encountered by Cartesian dualism, suppose the dualistic account is true. 5. The Problem of Interaction between Mind and Body The most significant problem for dualism is the problem of interaction between mind and body. As we all know mental changes and physical changes can cause one another. Some kind of causal flow from mind to body and vice versa is necessary in order for such things to be possible. However, since mind and body are defined by Descartes in terms of â€Å"not just distinct but mutually incompatible attributes†, it is not easy to see how such causal flow is possible (p.119). That is to say, it is difficult to see how the soul can initiate bodily movement. In spite of this, we are also curious about where the soul is supposed to take place. Descartes thought that it was located in the innermost part of the brain, which is a certain very small gland situated in the middle of the brain’s substance. (p.121) In other words, the point of interaction between soul and body must be within the brain. He proceeded to say that there must be one place where the dual data from sense organs (eyes and ears etc.), were integrated, so as to enable the soul to have a single (visual or auditory) perception (p.121). Here, the soul was like a little man inside the brain viewing the images from the optic nerves converge. The fatal problem of the thesis was that the pineal gland is the ‘principal seat’ of the soul only postponed, and did not solve the problem of how psycho-physical interaction is possible.† 6. Sensation and Imagination There is another difficulty of Descartes mind-body theory namely the mental-or-physical dilemma. It implies that we, human beings, are also dealing with some psycho-physical phenomena which are not categorized as either purely mental or purely physical. Now it seems that the two categories, mind and body, created by Descartes cannot include all human experience. Let us look at how Descartes pondered on his nature: But what then am I? A thing that thinks. What is that? A thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies, is willing, is unwilling and also imagines and has sensory perceptions. (p.122) We should have no question about the first four activities, they are what Descartes regarded as â€Å"pure actions of the soul†; whereas the last two ones, imaginare and sentire, he had a different account on them. Descartes assured that when one had sense-perception, some actually present external objects printed an idea or a figure of themselves on his senses. These images would then be imprinted on the pineal gland and perceived by the mind; furthermore, when one had imagination, his mind imprinted some images on the gland, fashioned and shaped them in the brain in the absence of external objects. (p.123) We know from the above that imaginare and sentire are not activities we can practise with our pure intellect (mind) alone. It requires physiological activity which also requires optic and auditory nerves and brain activity, movements in the pineal gland. That is to say, without sensory nerves, we cannot perceive; without pineal gland (brain), we cannot imagine. One may ask why sensory experience and imagination involve brain activity. Descartes’ answer was that imagination needed a ‘peculiar mental effort’ (p.125): suppose we were conceiving and imagining some geometrical figures, we could conceive a dodecagon rather easily but we would feel strange (confused) when imagining it. So there was always a ‘curious gap’ between our purely intellectual cognition of the figure being considered and our ability to imagine and visualize it (p.125). This sensation of having to wait until one finishes visualizing the figure is exactly the evidence of non-pure-intellectuality of imagination. On the other hand, sensory experiences, Descartes noted, like hunger and thirst, taught people that they (their souls) were very closely joined or even intermingled with their bodies, so that they and their bodies could form a unit. The soul here, is like â€Å"a sailor perceives by sight if anything in his ship is broken. (p.125)† Therefore when their bodies needed food or water, they should have explicit understanding of the fact, that is, they knew they are hungry and they knew they are thirsty. In addition, Descartes insisted, some sensations, like hunger, could not be clearly and distinctly conceived, they are inherently ‘confused’. So we can see the difference between, on the one hand, doubting, understanding, affirming, denying, is willing, unwilling; on the other hand, imagining and having sensory perception. For the last two ones have an inherently confused, indefinable, subjective quality which requires the hybrid of mind and body. The dualistic problem here is that both the faculties of imagination and sensation are not straightforwardly ‘mental’, and they are capable of being accommodated with Descartes’ official dualistic schema. Official dualistic schema seems impotent to explain the complex psycho-physical phenomena. 7. Conclusion Even Cartesian dualists can reply the question of how psycho-physical interaction is possible by saying the sensation (sense-perception and imagination) is exactly the evidence of the psycho-physical interaction. However it is still inadequate to answer how the mind initiates the bodily action. Conclusively, Descartes failed to, first, prove the existence of non-material soul; second, he failed handle of the problem of how mind and body interact, and, last but now least, his dualistic theory was unable give an account on the complexity of imagination and sensory perceptions (psycho-physical phenomena). 8. References Cottingham J, â€Å"Cartesian Man†, in Descartes, Oxford: Blackwell, 1986, Ch.5 Research Papers on History of Western Philosophy - Research PaperComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoGenetic EngineeringMind TravelBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresResearch Process Part OneThree Concepts of PsychodynamicThe Spring and AutumnAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementBringing Democracy to Africa

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Social Security Privitization essays

Social Security Privitization essays When President John F. Kennedy said Americans would be the first to walk on the moon, incompetent people said it could not be done. NASAs technology lagged years behind Russias and the Russians never did put a man on the moon. But Neil Armstrongs one small step made the dream reality. When it comes to visionary social policy, beware of those incompetent people who would reject a great plan simply because it means doing something for the first time. Take the farsighted idea of transforming our troubled Social Security system into a system of personal accounts. Conservative estimates show that workers who invested their payroll taxes in personal accounts would get 3 to 5 times more retirement income than Social Security provides ( The Cato Institute has a long history of seeking alternatives to the current Social Security system. Since 1979 the Cato Institute has published more than 40 books, articles, and reports outlining the programs problems and crafting innovative policy solutions. Founded in 1977, the Cato Institute is a nonpartisan public policy research foundation headquartered in Washington D.C. The Institute is named for Catos Letters, libertarian pamphlets that helped lay the philosophical foundation for the American Revolution ( The Cato experts examine the problems facing our current system, the methods that can be used to move towards a system of personal retirement accounts, and the effects that a new system would have on American workers ( On August 14, 1995 the Cato Institute launched its Project on Social Security Privatization, the largest undertaking in the organizations history. The objective of the project is to formulate a viable blueprint for privatizing the Social Security system. Rather than paying taxes into a...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mexican Beer Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Mexican Beer Market - Essay Example FEMSA is one of the most dominant breweries in Mexico. They were founded in 1890 in Monterrey. They continue to work to be a world class organization that generates value through a customer focused business system. Currently they have: 6 brewing facilities in Mexico 8 brewing facilities in Brazil Over 23,000 employees Served approximately 320,000 retail stores in Mexico Annual growth rate of approximately 1,000,000 people The largest beverage company in Latin America serving more than 184 million consumers FEMSA's beverage operations include: *Coca Cola FEMSA which is the largest Coca Cola bottler in Latin America and the 2nd largest in the world based on sales volume. Fanta, Sprite, and Ciel are a few of more than 70 brands offered *FEMSA Cerveza is one of Mexico's leading brewers and major exporter to the U.S. The flagship brands include Sol, Dos Equis, Tecate, and Bohemia. *Oxxo convenience stores are the largest retail network in Latin America with over 4,800 stores in Mexico FEMSA Financial Track Record for 2006: Total Revenue = $11,625 million Oxxo Stores 28% Beer 28% Soft Drinks 44% CAGR 16% Total Operating Income =$1,599 million Oxxo Stores 9% Beer 35% Soft Drinks 56% CAGR 15% FEMSA 1st and 2nd Quarter Reviews FEMSA has done pretty well for the 1st quarter of the year. They experienced a revenue growth 9%. The breakdown of growth is 7% Coca Cola sales, 3.6% beer sales, and 10.8% income from operations. International operations doubled from 2006 creating the strongest growth. The least amount of growth in the beer division was caused by several factors: Seasonal increases of expenses such as marketing and raw materials in Brazil; A softer demand environment in Mexico; and a weaker pricing environment. During the 2nd quarter of 2007, FEMSA experienced a slight decrease in financial gain with a 7% revenue growth. Coca Cola sales increased 5.9%, beer sales increased 2.7% and income from operations increased 10.5%. Once again the strongest growth comes from international operations. The revenue reports from the first two quarters of 2007 are very favorable to a steady overall growth rate. While FEMSA has had marginal increases in revenue, they are focused on long term results over short term results. Mexico is FEMSA's largest market by far when factoring sales and profits. Their consumer base is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Shroud of Torin Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Shroud of Torin - Research Paper Example Shroud of Turin The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth that bears the image of a tortured and crucified person and that is believed by many people to be the actual cloth that wrapped Jesus Christ during his burial. The authenticity of the Shroud of Turin has been a subject of a very controversial debate; the proponents of the Shroud of Turin argue that the Shroud of Turin is indeed the real cloth that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was wrapped in during his burial, while the critiques of the Shroud of Turin on the other hand dismiss the Shroud of Turin as a medieval Christian hoax meant to win Christianity more converts (Stapylton, 2003). This paper looks at the history of the Shroud of Turin, and also at the controversies that characterize the history of the Shroud. And since the History of the Shroud of Turin is too broad to be covered in this paper, the paper focuses on the highlights of the history of the Shroud of Turin. At the end of the paper, an objective conclusion is made based on the history and the debates on the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. For better analysis of the history of the Shroud of Turin, the history of the Shroud of Turin can be divided into two periods. The first period is before the year 1350, and the second period is after the year 1350. Researchers are agreed that the year 1350 is the beginning of the documented history of the Shroud of Turin (Shroud History, n.d.). But the period before 1350 is quite controversial; some scholars are of the view that the Shroud of Turin existed even before 1350 while other scholars, basing their evidence on Carbon dating, believe that the origin of the Shroud of Turin can be traced in the medieval period. But before we get into the debate of the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin, let us first look at the documented history of the Shroud of Turin. The following are the significant events in the history of the Shroud of Turin as documented by the Shroud Historian Ian Wilson (1978). According to the d ocumented history of the Shroud, Geoffrey de Charny, a French knight, is mentioned as the person who was first found with the Shroud of Turin (Wilson, 1978). In the year 1349, Geoffrey had written to pope Clement V1 expressing his wish to build a church in honour of the Holy Trinity. Geoffrey had been a prisoner of the English and he claimed that the Holy Trinity had miraculously saved him from the English prison. The pope gave him the permission to build the church and Geoffrey built it at Lirey in France. Geoffrey is said to have been in possession of the Shroud of Turin during this time and he kept the Shroud in the Church that he built at Lirey. Some people have argued that Geoffrey had got the Shroud from Constantinople; while other people disagree with this view (Shroud History, n.d). The first public exposition of the Shroud of Turin was done in 1355 at the church that Geoffrey had built at Lirey in France. Bishop Henri, however, was quite sceptical of the Shroud and he order ed that the expositions be halted. The expositions were halted and the Shroud was hidden away. In the year 1356, Geoffrey and his wife died, but the Shroud remained in the family of Geoffrey. In the year 1389, King Charles V1 of France requested the bailiff of Troyes to seize the Shroud at lirey and deposit in another church in Lirey waiting further decisions on the Shroud from the king (Shroud History,

Read the instruction (Different hobbies) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Read the instruction (Different hobbies) - Essay Example I enjoyed purchasing a parrot and then setting it free from the cage. As I grew up, I developed a hobby of planting trees. This was also a good hobby. I planted at least one tree every week in my surroundings. Another very good hobby that I have is reading books. I love reading books of all genres including fiction stories, poetry, novels, and dramas. I like reading children’s literature as well as adult literature. I believe that reading a variety of literature diversifies the reader’s opinion and broadens his vision. One bad hobby that I have had for a long time is playing video games. I have spent a lot of time aimlessly playing computer games. Undoubtedly, it might be a good idea if played for a short while, but not when one spends hours playing them. As I gained more education, I developed a hobby of teaching. I fancy the idea of being a teacher because it is one of the most respectable professions. A pedagogue teaches hundreds of students every year, which serves as a way to broaden his social network. The teacher remains updated on the latest discoveries in knowledge, and knowledge is power. Through this reflection, I have reached the conclusion that most of my hobbies are good and only a few can be classified as

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Financial accounting theories in a real life Assignment - 1

Financial accounting theories in a real life - Assignment Example Different researchers have dissimilar views regarding financial accounting theories (McGraw-Hill, 2006). There are different types of accounting theories that can be implemented in real life scenario. One of them is the Repo 105 theory. This theory is used by many of the companies. Moreover, it needs to be mentioned that the misuse of such theories can result in negative functioning of the companies. There are many such cases where improper use of accounting theories result in complete demise of the companies. Financial regulations can play a major role in reducing such cases (Liu & Schaefer, 2011; Eisinger, 2012). The report intends to discuss the role of Repo 105 scheme in the enhanced performance and subsequent downfall of the Lehman Brothers. The report would further depict the different motives that encourage companies to manipulate their financial accounts with reference to a few well known cases. Moreover, the report also intends to illustrate the importance of financial regulations in reducing such cases. Repo 105 is an accounting trick where a company depicts a short-term loan as a part of the sales of the company. Moreover, this loan would be further used by the company to repay its liabilities. A repo agreement would include temporary transfer of assets from one party to another which would also be accompanied by an agreement of repurchase of the same assets after a particular phase of time. After a certain period of time, the transferee returns the securities to the borrowers, which in turn repays the loan with a considerable interest. It needs to be mentioned that as a part of the exchange process, one party would receive securities as guarantee for the cash loaned, while the other party would receive cash guarantee for the securities loaned. It has been observed that these agreements are widely used as well as recognised as a legal means of

Old is gold, let us not neglect it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Old is gold, let us not neglect it - Essay Example Gradually, I developed an attachment with them. The affection between the old couple and me was such that I was off and on discussing their matters with my wife during night times. Indians worldwide normally celebrate their Diwali festival (festival of lights) with unlimited enthusiasm and on one such occasion, my wife and I spent our day with them on their request. "Don't feel shy, have a satisfied lunch," said the old woman to my wife when we together addressed the dining table. Her husband spoke his mind with a silent smile, "we proudly consider you as our children. One day I will take you to my hometown in India .It is a beautiful place." All of a sudden, I was overcome with a feeling of new affections entering my life. 'From here afterwards, this must be my world,' my inner self silently but unknowingly declared. Then, the discussion extended to this and that over lunch. When we got up for washing, it was clear that the old couple were neglected by their son who stayed in the same city with his wife. My wife sat with the old lady in the main hall while we settled down on a sofa in the drawing room. I shot a casual question to the old man, "shall I request your son to take care of you" My enquiry made him furious but the very next moment, his face turned as gloomy and pale as the waning Moon. "No," he said curtly. I apologized but he said instantly, "No.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Financial accounting theories in a real life Assignment - 1

Financial accounting theories in a real life - Assignment Example Different researchers have dissimilar views regarding financial accounting theories (McGraw-Hill, 2006). There are different types of accounting theories that can be implemented in real life scenario. One of them is the Repo 105 theory. This theory is used by many of the companies. Moreover, it needs to be mentioned that the misuse of such theories can result in negative functioning of the companies. There are many such cases where improper use of accounting theories result in complete demise of the companies. Financial regulations can play a major role in reducing such cases (Liu & Schaefer, 2011; Eisinger, 2012). The report intends to discuss the role of Repo 105 scheme in the enhanced performance and subsequent downfall of the Lehman Brothers. The report would further depict the different motives that encourage companies to manipulate their financial accounts with reference to a few well known cases. Moreover, the report also intends to illustrate the importance of financial regulations in reducing such cases. Repo 105 is an accounting trick where a company depicts a short-term loan as a part of the sales of the company. Moreover, this loan would be further used by the company to repay its liabilities. A repo agreement would include temporary transfer of assets from one party to another which would also be accompanied by an agreement of repurchase of the same assets after a particular phase of time. After a certain period of time, the transferee returns the securities to the borrowers, which in turn repays the loan with a considerable interest. It needs to be mentioned that as a part of the exchange process, one party would receive securities as guarantee for the cash loaned, while the other party would receive cash guarantee for the securities loaned. It has been observed that these agreements are widely used as well as recognised as a legal means of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Studying Hospitality and Events in Higher eduaction Essay

Studying Hospitality and Events in Higher eduaction - Essay Example The paper tells that the best candidate for lodging and accommodation for the conference is the Days Hotel Luton. It is more expensive than the other options but well worth the additional cost. The Days Hotel Luton is centrically located upon the Channel Viaduct. The Days Hotel Luton also provides access to those who are physically challenged. The Days Hotel Luton has a five star rating out of six which is the highest rating of all of the options in this group. The second choice is the Best Western Menzies Strathmore. The rates start from 49 pounds and 50 pence. The location is centric to all forms of transit. The Best Western Menzies Strathmore has 152 rooms which would probably make it the most likely candidate for the convention. The Chiltern Hotel would be the next most likely candidate as it is located right outside the airport. The room rate is at 49 pounds and 50 pence per night. There is also an ample parking facility. The space within this parking facility may be rented and a portable structure may be erected on the site. This portable structure implies a greater risk but it also would allow for a greater allocation of resources towards security, safety, health, food, beverage and post dinner entertainment. A tent structure may be used for the conference, this innovation would allow for lower expenses. The reallocation of resources could be applied toward other conference concerns (Chiltern Hotel). The fourth option would be recommended as the Quality Hotel on Dunstable rd. The Quality Hotel has easy access from the M1 motorway Junction 11 from the south. It is located on the A505. The rate of Quality Hotel’s accommodations is fairly reasonable starting at 32 pounds 50 pence per night. This hotel is a three star facility. With all of these options it may be possible that a discount may be applied to the academic community of the University of Bedfordshire. One of the objectives of this essay is to demonstrate the ability to optimize the resource s allocated to this conference by minimizing the number of man hours allocated to human resources in this conference which is proposed on 9 May 2012 (Burke and Soubeiga 2003). It is also the objective of this essay to demonstrate the importance of emotional intelligence by assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed options for the conference: ‘Studying Hospitality and Events in Higher Education’

General procedure for transfer of shares Essay Example for Free

General procedure for transfer of shares Essay 1. The transferor and transferee are required to execute a share transfer form under their common seals (if they are corporations) in accordance with their respective Constitution/Articles of Association. 2. The transfer is subject to ad valorem duty payable to the Commissioner of Stamp Duties (â€Å"Commissioner†). The current stamp duty payable on the transfer of shares is 20 cents for every S$100/- or part thereof of the consideration for the sale of the shares or the net asset value (â€Å"NAV†) of the shares, whichever is higher, based on the latest audited accounts of the companies. The stamp duty is normally borne by the transferee. 3. For the purposes of computing the NAV and the stamp duty payable, the following documents will have to be submitted to the Commissioner: duly executed transfer form IRAS E-stamping Duty on share transfer (to be signed by a director of the company) latest audited accounts In addition, the Commissioner may request for further information and/or documents as he deems necessary for the purposes of the assessment of stamp duty. If the transfer form is executed outside Singapore, it will have to be submitted for stamping within 30 days from the date of receipt in Singapore, otherwise a late penalty would be imposed by the Stamp Office. If the transfer form is executed in Singapore, it will have to be submitted for stamping within 14 days from the date of execution. 4. After the transfer form is duly executed and stamped, it is to be presented to the company for registration. Normally, the stamping date will be the registration date. At the same time, the old share certificate issued in the name of the transferor will have to be submitted to the company for cancellation. 5. The directors of the company may approve the transfer of shares by way of directors resolutions in writing or at a directors meeting. 6. New share certificate will be issued in the name of the transferee and the Register of Members of the company will be updated accordingly. 7. The company will have to notify the ACRA (the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority) of the change in shareholder. We will attend to ACRA on the company’s behalf.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Myocardial Infarction Case Study

Myocardial Infarction Case Study Bree Dela Rosa Case Study #1 M.I. Soon is a construction worker and is 44 years old. He has a family history of heart diseases and is trying to stop smoking. He had his first myocardial infarction, and his physician prescribed him a medication called a beta blocker. He completes the inpatient cardiac rehabilitation a little over a week ago, and the doctor and wife are recommending that M.I. Soon to seek a fitness facility. His resting heart rate (RHR) is 78 beats per minute (bpm) with a max heart rate of 132 and blood pressure of 136/82 mmHg. M.I. Soon has never exercised before and he regularly eats fast food such as McDonalds, Burger King, etc. for lunch. He believes he has enough exercise from working, as he states, Hey, I work hard all day, isnt that enough!. M.I. Soon regularly stops on the way home to the tavern with some friends to grab a couple of drinks. Introduction Myocardial Infarction (MI) is one of the common heart disorders considered to be severely fatal. In many cases, this condition requires control and prevention of atheroma as a way of preventing MI. Development of coronary occlusion is the initial presentation of atheroma, which leads to myocardial infarction. Early diagnosis has helped many patients avoid severe consequences of the condition. The initial management is to restore the perfusion in the affected myocardium. To accomplish this, various approaches must be instituted as discussed below. As such, public education is necessary for making people understand the need for early diagnosis. Goals Short Term (1-4 weeks) Go for a 30-minute walk in the morning before work or with his wife or after his lunch once once a day for 2 weeks. Educate him to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day as well as the number of cold ones. Exercise to lose a pound weekly with a combination of moderate intensity exercise and strength training. Long Term (3months-6months) Maintain an optimal blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg. To increase the strength and intensity of the exercise as time goes, METs > 8. Burn between 1,800 2,000 kcals each week after the training period and eating less high saturated food, which will help lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol and blood sugar. Recommendations for Fitting Workouts into schedule This exercise will be incorporated into the schedule during the day. The patient will do the workout in the morning before any activity. Exercise shall be done in parts whenever there is time constraint such as 10 minutes of the stationary bike or treadmill in the morning before work and 15 minutes after work. It is advisable to create time for the gym every day. Reasons for frequency of aerobic Everyday exercise is best because the patient has a lot of free time. Due to the state of cardiovascular, aerobic exercise is more important than resistance training. Reasons for frequency In the initial two weeks, two bouts of resistance training will help in improving muscle strength in the patient. Two sessions will help him keep normal muscle strength and to avoid soreness during aerobic exercise. Static stretches done every day during cool down exercises will help in maintaining flexibility. Exercise Prescription and Justifications Week 1 Monday Warm up exercise (5 mins / 5.0 METS) Myocardial infarction patients should start their regular exercises with warm up exercises to make themselves used to exercise. This must be done on the treadmill at a gradient of 0 degrees and a low speed of 2 mph. Reason This exercise helps in increasing the body temperature and especially of the muscle in preparation for better performance in following exercises. The warm up exercise also excites the sympathetic nervous system, which improves the performance during the exercise. Treadmill exercise (30 min / 8.0 METS) This exercise is slightly moderate 20-minute walks at a speed of 2.5 mph at a gradient of 3 degrees. Remember to slow down between the two bouts for 5 minutes. Reasons Since its the first treadmill exercise for him, the patient must complete the exercise to develop the habit and to keep him out of undesirable habits such as drinking. Cooldown Exercise (8 mins / 5.0 METs) The gradient will be set back to 0 degrees and a speed of 2 mph for 8 minutes before stepping out of the treadmill. Additionally, the patient will have to sit at a V shape and stretch in the middle from left to right. Reasons This exercise will facilitate the transition from active sympathetic nervous system to parasympathetic for recovery from the strenuous exercise for 4 minutes. Butterfly Stretch (2 Minutes / 2.5 METs) Sit on the floor with legs spread out in a V position, towards the middle reach as far as you can with both arms out and hold for 30 seconds and, then towards the left and right left for 30 seconds. Reasons This cooldown exercise will also help in eradicating the lactic acid buildup with the view of preventing muscle soreness. Wednesday Warm up exercise (10 mins / 5.0 METS) Put the treadmill at a gradient of 0 degrees and a low speed of 1.9 mph. Reasons: This exercise helps in increasing the body temperature and especially of the muscle in preparation for better performance in following exercises. The warm up exercise also excites the sympathetic nervous system, which improves the performance during the training. Exercises Leg Swings (10 Min / 3.0 METS) Swing the leg horizontally at 90 degrees while keeping the torso straight. Do this ten times then changing to another leg for ten minutes. Simply make yourself stable and swing your legs until the end of 10 minutes as demonstrated in the image below. Reasons This exercise will help stretch and warm the leg muscles in preparedness for following exercises. Will warm up the muscle in preparation for further exercise. Walking Knee Hugs (10 min / 4.0 METS) This exercise will require stepping and lift the knee closer to the chest while keeping the back straight. Do both legs and monitor time with your phone, stopwatch, and or clock until the end of ten minutes while maintaining the balance as shown in the picture below. Reason To help the patient with balance during exercise. This will also assist in warming up the muscles before the following training. Cooldown Exercise (8 mins / 5.0 METs) Side Lunge (4 Minutes / 3.0 METS) Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart. Have your hands placed on your waist. Step out to one side to push your thigh until you feel a pull on your muscle, hold for 30 seconds each side. Reason This will help the patient warm up his muscles and gain balance on both feet increase body temperature and raise the level of intensity in exercise performance. The patient will also be able to stretch his muscles moderately. Hip flexor stretch (3 minutes / 2.5 METs) Do the exercise with one knee on the ground and the other knee raised with foot on the ground. Make sure you slightly shift weight to the front leg while keeping torso straight and arm of down knee extended upwards as shown below. Hold each side for 30 seconds and do two sets each. Reasons To facilitate the active transition exercise to recovery. To promote removal of lactate to decrease immediate muscle soreness. Butterfly Stretch (2 minutes / 2.5 METs) Sit on the floor with legs spread out in a V position, towards the middle reach as far as you can with both arms out and hold for 30 seconds and, then towards the left and right left for 30 seconds. Reasons This cooldown exercise will also help in eradicating the lactic acid buildup with the view of preventing muscle soreness. Hamstring Stretch (3 minutes / 2.5 METs) Lying on your back in an 180-degree angle and keep your back straight. Your hips should be level with your lower back on the floor. Slowly bend your knees towards your chest, and keep your left leg extended on the floor. Reasons Slowly bending your knees towards your chest, keep your dominant leg extended until you feel a mild discomfort from the stretch. Friday Warm up exercise (10 mins / 5.0 METS) Treadmill at a gradient of 0 degrees and a low speed of 2 mph. Reasons This exercise helps in increasing the body temperature and especially of the muscle in preparation for better performance in following exercises. The warm up exercise also excites the sympathetic nervous system, which improves the performance during the exercise. Exercise Treadmill Walking (40 minutes / 8.0 METS) Walk on the treadmill for two bouts of 15 minutes at 2.5 mph at 3% grade. Between bouts remove back to 0% grade and walk at a comfortable rate at 2 mph for 5 minutes. Reasons for duration I gave him two 15 minute bouts because it is her first day of the exercise program and I wanted her to be able to complete the task to increase confidence. The 5-minute rest between bouts I believe is sufficient to make sure he can complete the full duration of exercise. Reasons for mode The treadmill is very easy to adjust so that the client can set it to the particular speed and grade I have instructed to work at. I want her mode of exercise to require little thought since she may already feel uncomfortable in a gym setting because of her inexperience. The treadmill is a type An exercise, so it does not require much skill to use for someone inexperienced with exercise. Reasons for intensity (RPE) The Relative Perceived Exertion (RPE) for M.I. Soon should be For the exercise to be effective it should be a routine; whereby, every day he should take 30 minutes to do the exercise. This is done to increase the level of calories lost within a week and help the individual adapt to the exercises as a lifestyle. Cooldown (8 mins) Treadmill (6 minutes / 5.0 METs) The gradient will be set back to 0 degrees and a speed of 1.9 mph for 8 minutes before stepping out of the treadmill. Additionally, the patient will have to sit at a V shape and stretch in the middle from left to right. Reasons This exercise will facilitate the transition from active sympathetic nervous system to parasympathetic for recovery from the strenuous exercise for 4 minutes. Butterfly Stretch (2 Minutes / 2.5 METs) Reasons Sit on the floor with legs spread out in a V position, towards the middle reach as far as you can with both arms out and hold for 30 seconds and, then towards the left and right left for 30 seconds. This cooldown exercise will also help in eradicating the lactic acid buildup with the view of preventing muscle soreness. WEEK 2 Monday Warm up (10 minutes / 5.0 METS) Stationary bike with zero resistance at comfortable speed for 5 minutes. Reasons To increase the temperature of muscle to perform better during exercise. To activate the sympathetic nervous system to improve exercise performance. Exercise (35min / 7.0 METS): Use the stationary bike for two bouts of 15 minutes with a resistance of between 284kgm/min (50 Watts) and 406kgm/min (68 Watts). Between bouts, remove resistance and pedal at a comfortable pace for 5 minutes before beginning next bout. Reasons for duration Transitioning from the treadmill from week one to a stationary bike I am starting M.I. soon with 15 minute bouts to adjust and complete the exercise with confidence. I want to give him 5 minute rests in-between to make sure there is not a lot of stress and that he receives enough intake of water so he can complete the exercise. Reasons for mode I chose the stationary bike for his form of exercise since it safe for a sedentary and obese individual with little or no experience of exercise. The stationary bike is effective and useful for people who have never exercised before or who exercise a little. Reasons for intensity (RPE) The Relative Perceived Exertion (RPE) for M.I. Soon should be For the exercise to be effective it should be a routine; whereby, every day he should take 30 minutes to do the exercise. This is done to increase the level of calories lost within a week and help the individual adapt to the exercises as a lifestyle. Cooldown (8 mins) Stationary Bike (5 minutes) With no resistance peddle for around 5 minutes and then get off to proceed to stretches. Hamstring Stretch (3 minutes / 2.5 METs) Lie on your back with your legs extended in an 180-degree angle and keep your back straight. Your hips should be level with your lower back on the floor. Slowly bend your knees towards your chest, and keep your left leg extended on the floor. Reasons Stretch to the point of mild discomfort but not to the point of feeling discomfort or pain. Wednesday Warm Up Warm up (10 minutes / 5.0 METS) Stationary bike with zero resistance at a comfortable speed for 5 minutes. Reasons To increase the temperature of muscle to perform better during exercise. To activate the sympathetic nervous system to improve exercise performance. Exercise (35 Minutes / 8.0 METS) Use the stationary bike for two bouts of 15 minutes with a resistance of between 284kgm/min (50 Watts) and 406kgm/min (68 Watts). Between bouts, remove resistance and pedal at a comfortable pace for 5 minutes before beginning next bout. Reasons Less stress on joints Help reduce the mechanical stress, on back, hips, and ankles even when compared to walking.You can indulge in daily exercise with a lower risk of injury. Cool Down (8 minutes) Stationary Bike (6 minutes / 5.0 METs) Remove resistance and peddle for around 6 minutes and then get off to proceed to stretches. Butterfly Stretch (2 Minutes / 2.5 METs) Sit on the floor with legs spread out in a V position, towards the middle reach as far as you can with both arms out and hold for 30 seconds and, then towards the left and right left for 30 seconds. Reasons This cooldown exercise will also help in eradicating the lactic acid buildup with the view of preventing muscle soreness. Day 3Â  Friday Warm up exercise (5 mins / 5.0 METS) Myocardial infarction patients should start their regular exercises with warm up exercises to make themselves used to exercise. This must be done on the treadmill at a gradient of 0 degrees and a low speed of 1.9 2 mph. Reason This exercise helps in increasing the body temperature and especially of the muscle in preparation for better performance in following exercises. The warm up exercise also excites the sympathetic nervous system, which improves the performance during the exercise. Treadmill exercise (30 min / 7.0 METS) This exercise is slightly strenuous as it takes 20 separate 20-minute walks at a speed of 2.5 mph at a gradient of 3 degrees. Remember to slow down between the two bouts for 5 minutes. Reasons Since its the first treadmill exercise for him, the patient must complete the exercise to develop the habit and to keep him out of undesirable habits such as drinking. Cooldown (8 Minutes) Treadmill (6 minutes / 5.0 METs) The gradient will be set back to 0 degrees and a speed of 1.9 mph for 8 minutes before stepping out of the treadmill. Additionally, the patient must sit at a V shape and stretch in the middle from left to right. Reasons This exercise will facilitate the transition from active sympathetic nervous system to parasympathetic for recovery from the strenuous exercise for 4 minutes. Hip flexor stretch (2minutes / 2.5 METs) Do the exercise with one knee on the ground and the other knee raised with foot on the ground. Make sure you slightly shift weight to the front leg while keeping torso straight and arm of down knee extended upwards as shown below. Hold each side for 30 seconds and do two sets each. Reasons To facilitate the active transition exercise to recovery. To promote removal of lactate to decrease immediate muscle soreness. Strength and Conditioning Week 1 (Repeat the following week) Monday, Wednesday, Friday Lat pull downs (5 minutes / 3.0 METs) Ten repetitions of 25 pounds the first week, then the second week increase the weights by 5 pounds with a weight that is equivalent to a 3 or 4 rating on the RPE scale. Pull with arms starting fully extended until the bar is just below neck height in a controlled rhythm. When you begin this, take it slow. If you are feeling chest pain, stop the exercise as with all the strength exercises provided. Lateral Band Walk (5 Minutes / 3.0 METs) Place your feet shoulder width apart to create tension inbetween the bands. Form a 60 degree squat position, and shift your weight to the right side, steping sideways take 10-12 steps before heading back to the start postion and do the same on the left side. Shoulder Press (5 Minutes / 4.0 METs) Hold a 10 lb (this is the start) dumbbell in each hand and sit on a bench with back support, plant both feet on the ground, bend your elbows down to your ear and lift back up. Remember not to hold your breath when performing this exercise, take it slow and go at your pace. Leg Press (5 Minutes / 3.0 METs) Set the leg press weight at 50 lbs. Leg and torso should be at a 90-degree angle. As you go down breathe in and out slowly push down until your legs make another 90-degree angle and push back up in start position. Reasons for exercises These exercises are a combination of lower body and upper body that are doable that can be done with inexpensive equipment at home or the gym facility. These are appropriate exercises for someone who is not used to strength training, regardless of job description, these are easy to follow, and they are not confusing or difficult for someone who is inexperienced These exercises also target large and small muscle groups that will help with his balance. Reasons for repetitions Lifting in a rhythmic and full range in motion I chose for the exercises to be ten repetitions of lighter weights for M.I. to adjust to the movement and patterns to develop technique and consistency. He will gain muscular strength, lean body mass, endurance, and insulin sensitivity. I highly remind and advise him each exercise session to not hold his breath while he is performing any of the strength exercises since it will increase the pressure in his chest by placing a greater workload on his heart. Reasons for Strength or Resistance. I chose a moderate level of intensity because I want M.I. Soon to adapt to the strength and conditioning training and not make him too sore. 5 minutes for each exercise will allow M.I. Soon to finish all the reps I suggested. I do not want him to feel in denial with the exercise demand, but I want him to accept the purpose of exercise and the benefits. Cooldown (8 Minutes) Treadmill (6 minutes / 5.0 METs) The gradient will be set to 0 degrees and a speed of 2 mph for 6 minutes before stepping out of the treadmill. Butterfly Stretch (2 Minutes / 2.5 METs) Sit on the floor with legs spread out in a V position, towards the middle reach as far as you can with both arms out and hold for 30 seconds and, then towards the left and right left for 30 seconds. Quad stretch on side (2 minutes / 2.5 METs) Standing up grab or chair or find a pole to stand next to and lift your left leg back until you feel this pull in the muscle, and repeat for the right leg. Reasons for Cooldown: This cooldown exercises will also help in eradicating the lactic acid buildup with the view of preventing muscle soreness. This exercise will facilitate the transition from active sympathetic nervous system to parasympathetic for recovery from the strenuous exercise. Education and Risk Factor Management It is important for you to understand that the type of diet you take determines your risk of exposure to further heart complications. The point is, different food contents have different nutrients. Always remember that fast food may be affordable and presumably convenient, but it contains a lot of saturated fat, calories, and sodium. For this reason, with the Myocardial infarction, you should modify your frequency of fast food consumption. There may not be specific patterns on how to take fast food, but I recommend that you dont eat it very often. Alcohol, on the other hand, may be recommended by researchers but the exact amount has not been agreed on yet (Frederico et al., 2009). Therefore, my recommendation is that you take not more that 14 alcohol units in one week and the units should not exceed four in a single day. Also, please ensure that you have at least two days that you do not consume it. The bottom line is that moderate and habitual alcohol consumption lowers the risk of heart-related disorders. However, sometimes the short-term consequence is that it may cause sudden cardiac death. I recommend that you refrain from smoking because it increases the chances of heart diseases infections. This is because it contributes to the fatty conditions in the coronary system. Also, be informed that the tobacco chemicals will damage your heart cells and expose you to atherosclerosis, a condition that affects the functioning of the heart and blood cells in the body (Antman, 2007). With your MI, smoking cigarettes will worsen your condition because the tobacco chemicals have the ability to weaken the resilience of the cardiovascular system and thus heighten the chances of succumbing. You should, therefore, avoid smoking at all costs to reduce the likelihood of recurring and causing more damage to the heart and other cardiovascular organs and vessels. If you find it hard to stop smoking, it would be wise to see a doctor or a practice nurse. By doing so, you will get help and advice on the how to make use of the nicotine replacement therapy. The best medication to improve your health is the Beta-blocker due to the following reasons. First, they are drugs that will enhance your outlook. These drugs are believed to prevent vertical hemorrhage in patients who have cirrhosis and heart conditions. It is worth noting that the body has a way of responding to increased stress caused by heart attack or unstable angina. What it does is, it increases the heart rate as well as the blood pressure. Therefore, beta-blockers are good for you because they will reduce both the heart rate and its workload. You should take these drugs as soon as you your heart condition are identified. However, to increase efficiency, they can be taken together with an ACE inhibitor and sometimes a statin. The American Heart Association has recommended treatment using Beta-blockers. It has been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality as compared to other therapies. Moreover, the management of obesity would be useful in preventing the reoccurrence of myocard ial infarction (Ades, Savage Harvey, 2009). It is, therefore, important that you visit a pharmacist or a cardiologist for prescription and further directions on how to use this medication. According the American Family Physician website, AHA (American Heart Association) standards state that they highly recommend that each patient who suffers from a heart attack must monitor your cardiac risk factor of a blood pressure lower than 140/90 mmHg. The waist circumference less than 35 inches for womens and 40 for men, a body mass index (BMI) of 18.5 and 24.9, blood cholesterol under 180 mg/dl, and blood glucose under 100 mg/dL. Our goal as we work together is to reduce your blood pressure of 136/82 down to 120/80, when performing the exercises I prescribed you, make sure to breath after each repetition and walking on a treadmill, if you do not, your blood pressure will increase. If you are experiencing high blood pressure, seek medical attention right away, and seek your primary care provider immediately. Myocardial Infarction, Cardiac infarction, and coronary thrombosis are other terms also know a heart attack. Infarction means that there is

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The relationship between Rhoda and Gertrude in The Withered Arm Essay

Discuss the relationship between Rhoda and Gertrude in The Withered Arm. The Withered Arm is a pre-20th century book by Thomas Hardy; the plot of the story is in and around the writers' imaginary village of Holmstoke and town of Casterbridge. One of the main themes of The Withered Arm was Jealousy it was portrayed through Rhoda Brook, 'a thin fading woman of thirty' 'that had once been handsome', who had an affair with Farmer Lodge and bore him a son. Farmer Lodge left Rhoda to bring up their son on her own and later married a new wife, who was 'years younger than him', called Gertrude. In this essay I am going to discuss the relationship between Rhoda and Gertrude in The Withered Arm. The relationship between Rhoda and Gertrude is a triangular one. It is between Rhoda, her ex-partner Farmer Lodge and his wife Gertrude. Rhoda heard about the coming of Farmer Lodge's new wife Gertrude through her fellow 'milkers' who were gossiping while at work. She then sent her son several times to go and 'give her a look'; she was mainly interested in the appearance of the new wife. She specifically asked her son to see "if she's dark or fair show marks of the lady' and to 'notice if her hand be white or are like a milkers hands like' hers. It was obvious that Rhoda wanted to compare herself with Gertrude but was disappointed when her son came back with news of the new wife being 'A lady complete', 'and her face as comely as a doll's' as she kept on asking her son questions like 'Her eyes not dark like mine?' and 'Is she tall?' 'as tall as I'. All the answers Rhoda got about Gertrude were so positive that when she heard that Gertrude was 'rather short' she said to her son 'with satisfaction', 'that's al... ...onduct. In fear of loosing Farmer Lodges love, Gertrude resorts to most despicable cure, which led to her death. In The Withered Arm Thomas Hardy used Rhoda's son to start a good relationship between Rhoda Brook and Gertrude. The quirk of fate in the situation is that Rhoda's son, the ill fated boy's life mutually brought Gertrude and Rhoda together in the beginning of the story and his death made them meet again, this time the last, not as friends but as enemies. The boy's carving of the chair instead of helping his mother cook and his poaching, which eventually led to his death were suggestions of his early and tragic death. It seems that as long as the two women were alive their link kept their relationship going whether good or bad, and it was only after Gertrude's death that the relationship between her and Rhoda brook finally came to an end.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Search for Meaning in Siddhartha Essays -- Hesse Siddhartha Essays

Search for Meaning in Siddhartha  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Siddhartha is a young man on a long quest in search of the ultimate answer to the enigma of a man's role on this earth. Through his travels, he finds love, friendship, pain, and identity. He finds the true meaning behind them the hard way, but that is the best way to learn them. He starts out by finding friendship with his buddy, Govinda. They have been friends ever since their childhood. There are really close, like each other's shadow. They have traveled and lived most of their life together. Govinda was a very loyal friend. "Govinda, his friend, the Brahmin's son, loved him more than anybody else. He loved Siddhartha's eyes and clear voice. He loved the way he walked, his complete grace of movement; he loved everything that Siddhartha did and said, and above all he loved his intellect, his fine ardent thoughts, his strong will, his high vocation. Govinda knew that [Siddhartha] would not become an ordinary Brahmin, a lazy sacrificial official, an avaricious dealer in magic sayings, a conceited worthless orator, a wicked sly priest, o... Search for Meaning in Siddhartha Essays -- Hesse Siddhartha Essays Search for Meaning in Siddhartha  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Siddhartha is a young man on a long quest in search of the ultimate answer to the enigma of a man's role on this earth. Through his travels, he finds love, friendship, pain, and identity. He finds the true meaning behind them the hard way, but that is the best way to learn them. He starts out by finding friendship with his buddy, Govinda. They have been friends ever since their childhood. There are really close, like each other's shadow. They have traveled and lived most of their life together. Govinda was a very loyal friend. "Govinda, his friend, the Brahmin's son, loved him more than anybody else. He loved Siddhartha's eyes and clear voice. He loved the way he walked, his complete grace of movement; he loved everything that Siddhartha did and said, and above all he loved his intellect, his fine ardent thoughts, his strong will, his high vocation. Govinda knew that [Siddhartha] would not become an ordinary Brahmin, a lazy sacrificial official, an avaricious dealer in magic sayings, a conceited worthless orator, a wicked sly priest, o...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Plant Transpiration Lab Report

Lab 4: Plant Transpiration Project By Shelby Hyde Lab 030 Date Due: March 12, 2013 The Effect of Wind on the Rate of Transpiration Introduction: Transpiration is the process through which water is evaporated from plants. This serves many purposes, including thermoregulation and the diffusion of CO2, but most importantly creates a water potential difference which causes the mass flow of water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves of the plant. Transpiration is accomplished through structures on the surface of the leaf called stomata, which are guarded by a pair of guard cells.Guard cells control the opening and closing of the stomata as well as the size of the opening; they open in order to obtain O2 and CO2 in the process they allow the escape of H2O. This experiment was conducted to learn more about this process, and how certain common environmental factors affect it. Plant transpiration increases with the presence of wind due to increased evaporation from leaves. Results: The transpiration rate of the sunflower in the presence of wind was consistently greater than that without wind, also causing the mean to be higher, shown in Table 1.Also included in Table 1, the variability was less in the sunflower with wind along with standard deviation. Table 1: Rate of Transpiration in sunflower plant with and without wind. Discussion: Although the rate of transpiration was consistently, noticeably greater while wind was present than it was in the absence of wind, there were some limitations to this study. One of the limitations of the experiment is that was performed in a college lab setting with various activities simultaneously going on, which could’ve affected the speed of the wind between all of the runs.The main shortcoming is that, because only one plant of one species was used, this cannot be used to generalize that this is true for all plants. In general, the results support the hypothesis that the rate of transpiration is higher in plants while win d is present. Transpiration increases in the presence of wind for two main reasons. When the stomata open, the wind would increase evaporation and the amount of H2O that escapes from the open pores.Also, when water is transpired it remains around the plant, causing area within the vicinity to become humid. Wind pushes that saturated air and replaces it with drier air, which is easier for water to evaporate into. Further studies could include not only other variables affecting transpiration, such as relative humidity of the atmosphere, temperature, pH of water and amount of available water, but also how much each of those individual variables contribute to the rate of transpiration in relation to each other.Literature Cited: George Burba,  Michael Pidwirny  (Lead Author);Debbie Swarthout  (Contributing Author);Sidney Draggan Ph. D. ,  Daniel Robert Taub  (Topic Editor) â€Å"Transpiration†. In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D. C. : Envi ronmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). [First published in the Encyclopedia of Earth August 3, 2010; Last revised Date December 16, 2010; Retrieved March 13, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Barbara Allan a Typical Ballad Essay

To this day, ballads are still enjoyed by some individual although, many generations ago they were at the very heart of amusement. They were passed on orally, centring interesting subjects such as tragic love. Typically, ballads are fairly simple, they do no tend to focus on characterization, they have a rapid dialogue, they are usually in the form of quatrains, and rhyming in abcb. The poem â€Å"Bonny Barbara Allan† is a typical ballad since it follows the norm by applying four major elements; it is written in quatrains, has an abcb rhyming scheme pattern, rapid dialogues, and a lack of characterization. Throughout the poem, some words’ importance are emphasized by stresses such as in this stanza â€Å"slowly, slowly raise she up† gives us the impression that even as we read, it becomes slower and slower. Furthermore, we can identify easily the tragic love present which is again another typical element of ballads. We can notice this element especially in these two particular quatrain: â€Å"O it’s I’m sick, and very, very sick, And ’tis a’ for Barbara Allan:† â€Å"O the better for me ye’s never be, Tho you heart’s blood were a spilling. (Line 13-16) â€Å"O dinna ye mind, you man,† said she, â€Å"When ye was in the tavern a drinking, That ye made the healths gae round and round, And slighted Barbara Allan?† (Line 17-20) In her stubbornness, Barbara Allan refuses to forgive Sir John Graeme for not  toasting to her health even knowing he was ill. She left him to die without complete peace, she held this grudge against him until he passed away. Despite the grudge she held, her love was genuine and consequently chose to die for John. The action of dying for him is not written word for word although, we are not left guessing her fate, the use of symbolism in particular the â€Å"bed† suggest a funeral. All the elements needed for it to be a typical ballad are present. The format of the stanzas, the rhyming scheme, the attention paid to characterization, and the speed of the dialogues all correspond to the norm.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Corporate Governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Corporate Governance - Essay Example It also ensures that the other interest groups including minority shareholders, financial markets, debt holders, employees, suppliers, customers as well as societies are not harmed in any form. Some of the fundamental characteristics that define good governance are consensus oriented, accountable, transparent, responsive, participatory, following the rules of law, efficient and effective, inclusive and equitable (Foster and Jonker, 2005). While governance is an old concept, its usage, application and underlying meaning have seen the dramatic transformation over the years. Present governance system of corporations is highly complex and consists of various levels of audits, monitoring and scrutiny (Mwenja and Lewis, 2009). Although organizations have braced the concept in their goals and value system, it is still a largely avoided category for growth and development of an organization. The objective of the current report is to understand and evaluate the various internal and external factors that impact the development of effective corporate governance. It is essential to understand the fundamental concept, theories associated and largely accepted and the governance system followed among different organizations in various parts of the world. An organizational case study with respect to the governance strategies and policies will help in evaluating the current trends and practices. Also, the above analytical outcomes hav e been applied to recommend some key areas which can be developed for better governance systems. Several governance theories have been recognized by experts that have been largely followed for organizations and firms across the globe. However, the current report will describe three main theories that have been largely accepted and studied among economists and academics. These are The first theory that is successful society theory is centered on developing and shaping the governance. Here the focus is given to features as well as characteristics that describe a successful society.